As you go through the produce marketing interviewing process, make sure you know:
- Who the marketers represent. If you're looking to expand your reach in the product market, you are going to want a marketer who can get your fruit into the public domain. That may mean large grocery chains or smaller select retailers - the specifics depend on your crop yield and your ability to supply fruit. Keep the capabilities of your farm in mind when you meet with a produce marketer. If you can only satisfy the demands of a smaller retailer, it is not necessary to partner with a marketer who only has relationships with larger stores. Find a marketer who really listens to you and understands what is in your best interest.
- How much the marketer knows about your niche focus. If you grow strawberries and the marketer only has experience placing and marketing blueberries, apples and pears, you will obviously want to interview another firm. Market trends change all the time for particular fruits and vegetables, and you'll want to choose a marketer who understands the fluctuations that occur. It is imperative that you keep a close eye on these changes, as they determine pricing.
- How the relationship will work. Will the produce marketing firm charge per hour or per project? Will you be able to call at any time to discuss ideas or concerns? Find out as much as possible about the relationship before you commit to anything. That way, you and the marketing firm will totally understand expectations going forward. It may help to have a few meetings during which you explain the history of your company/farm, your hopes for the future and how you'll determine whether or not the marketing is successful.
- How much help you need. Have you done any produce marketing in the past? Are you happy with your efforts? Share any past experience and successes with the marketing entity. That way, you'll be able to build on those. Perhaps you grow your produce organically; you'll want a marketer to share this with the public. It's a major selling point. Maybe your produce is known for being juicy and succulent; the marketer will highlight that. Find a story and go with it. Doing so will put a story behind your product.
The author has an immense knowledge on produce marketing. Know more about produce marketing related info in his website
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